SYNOPSIS #include set_driver_hook(H_CREATE_LWOBJECT_RESTORE, value) being: void () void () void (lwobject obj_to_init) DESCRIPTION Optional hook to finish initialization of a restored lightweight object. Hook setting can be any closure, or the name of the function (static or public) to call in the object. If the hook is an unbound lambda closure expecting arguments, it is bound to the current object and called with the created object as the first argument. If the hook is an unbound lambda closure without arguments, it is bound to the object to be initalized and called. If the hook is any other type of closure, it is called with the created object as the first argument. If the hook is defined as the name of an lfun in the lightweight object, it is called in the new lwobject. HISTORY Introduced in LDMud 3.6.6. SEE ALSO hooks(C), create_lwobject(H), restore_value(E), restore_object(E)