SYNOPSIS #include int trace(int traceflags) DESCRIPTION Sets the trace flags and returns the old trace flags. When tracing is on, a lot of information is printed during execution and too much output can crash your connection or even the whole driver. Tracing is done on a per-connection basis: each interactive(!) user may specifiy their own tracelevel and -prefix. Each gets the traceoutput for just the code executed during the evaluation of the commands he entered. The trace bits are: TRACE_NOTHING ( 0): stop tracing. TRACE_CALL ( 1): trace all calls to lfuns. TRACE_CALL_OTHER ( 2): trace call_others()s. TRACE_RETURN ( 4): trace function returns. TRACE_ARGS ( 8): print function arguments and results. TRACE_EXEC ( 16): trace all executed instructions. TRACE_HEART_BEAT ( 32): trace heartbeat code. TRACE_APPLY ( 64): trace driver applies. TRACE_OBJNAME (128): print the object names. TRACE_EXEC and TRACE_HEART_BEAT should be avoided as they cause massive output! TRACE_OBJNAME should be avoided when you know what you trace. The master-lfun valid_trace() is called with ("trace", traceflags) as argument to verify the use of this efun. EXAMPLES object obj; string prefix; obj = find_player("wessex"); prefix = object_name(obj); prefix = prefix[1..]; /* cut off the leading "/" */ traceprefix(prefix); /* From here on, only code in the object "std/player#69" * will be traced. */ trace(TRACE_CALL|TRACE_CALL_OTHER|TRACE_RETURN|TRACE_ARGS); ... trace(TRACE_NOTHING); HISTORY LDMud 3.2.9 passes the argument to the valid_trace() apply as well. SEE ALSO traceprefix(E)