SYNOPSIS mixed * to_array(string) mixed * to_array(bytes) mixed * to_array(symbol) mixed * to_array(quotedarray) mixed * to_array(mixed *) mixed * to_array(struct) mixed * to_array(lpctype) (int*) DESCRIPTION Strings and symbols are converted to an int array that consists of the args characters. Note that the string "12" will be converted to the array ({ 33, 34 }), and not ({ 33, 34, 0 }) (the LDMud versions prior to 3.3 returned the latter array). Byte sequences are converted into an array of these bytes. Quoted arrays are ``dequoted'', and arrays are left as they are. Structs are converted into a normal array. Union lpc types are split into their union member types (in no particular order). BUGS The cast notation only works if the precise type of is known at compile-time. This will not be fixed - use the function form instead. HISTORY LDMud 3.3.250 added structs to the accepted data types. SEE ALSO to_int(E), to_string(E), to_struct(E)