PRELIMINARY SYNOPSIS mixed * tls_check_certificate(object obj) mixed * tls_check_certificate(object obj, int extra) DESCRIPTION tls_check_certificate() checks the certificate of the secured connection bound to (default is the current object). If is not interactive, or if TLS is not available, an error is thrown. If doesn't have a secure connection up and running, an error is thrown. Otherwise, the result is an array with these values: int [0] : Result code of SSL_get_verify_result (see 'man 1 verify', subsection DIAGNOSTICS for possible values) array [1] : array with 3*n entries of extra x509 data. structure is: 3*i : numerical form of object name, e.g. "" 3*i + 1: long or short name if available, e.g. "commonName" 3*i + 2: value array [2] : if extra is set: array with 3*n entries of x509 extension data data structure is: 3*i : numerical form of extension name 3*i + 1: long or short name of extension name if available 3*i + 2: array of strings with the data structure of [1] Note: An X509 certificate can have more than one object with the same name. HISTORY Introduced in LDMud 3.3.672/3.2.11. LDMud 3.3.711/3.2.12 modified the behaviour to return the low-level API result value, and to throw an error if the connection is not secure. SEE ALSO tls_init_connection(E), tls_deinit_connection(E), tls_error(E), tls_query_connection_state(E), tls_query_connection_info(E), tls_available(E), tls_refresh_certs(E), mudlib/psyc-tls.c