SYNOPSIS int reverse(int arg) string reverse(string arg) bytes reverse(bytes arg) mixed * reverse(mixed * arg) mixed * reverse(mixed * & arg) DESCRIPTION Reverse the content of array, string or byte sequence and return the result. If is an integer, the bits in the integer are reversed. If called in the reference variant, the argument array itself is reversed and then returned. EXAMPLES reverse(0x306a) - returns 0x560c0000 reverse("test") - returns "tset" mixed * arr = ({ 1, 2 }); reverse(arr) - returns ({ 2, 1 }), leaves arr unchanged. reverse(&arr) - returns ({ 2, 1 }), sets arr to ({ 2, 1 }) BUGS Reference ranges like reverse(&(a[1..2])) are not supported. HISTORY Introduced in LDMud 3.3.529. LDMud 3.3.532 added the reversal of bits in an integer. SEE ALSO