SYNOPSIS #include mixed lwobject_info(lwobject lwob, int what) DESCRIPTION Returns some internal information about the lightweight object . The Argument determines which information is returned. It can be either a configuration option as given to configure_object() or one of the following options: Lightweight Object Information: == LI_LWOBJECT_REFS: The number of references to . == LI_DATA_SIZE: The total size of the values held in the object's variables, scaled down according to the extend of data sharing. == LI_DATA_SIZE_TOTAL: The unmodified total size of the values held in the object's variables Program Flags: == LI_NO_INHERIT: 1 if the program can't be inherited. == LI_NO_CLONE: 1 if the program/blueprint can't be cloned. == LI_SHARE_VARIABLES: 1 if lightweight objects of this program share their initial variable values with the blueprint. Program Statistics: == LI_PROG_REFS: The number of references to 's program. == LI_NUM_FUNCTIONS: The number of functions in the program. == LI_NUM_VARIABLES: The number of variables in the program. == LI_NUM_STRINGS: The number of strings in the program. == LI_NUM_INHERITED: The number of explicitely inherited programs. == LI_NUM_INCLUDED: The number of included files in the program. == LI_SIZE_FUNCTIONS: The size needed for the function structures. Note that this does not include size of the function code. == LI_SIZE_VARIABLES: The size needed for the variable structures. Note that this does not include size of the variable data, See LI_DATA_SIZE/LI_DATA_SIZE_TOTAL for that. == LI_SIZE_STRINGS: The size needed for the string pointers. == LI_SIZE_STRINGS_DATA: The size needed for the string values, scaled down according to the extend of data sharing. == LI_SIZE_STRINGS_DATA_TOTAL: The unmodified size needed for the string values. == LI_SIZE_INHERITED: The size needed for the inherit structures. == LI_SIZE_INCLUDED: The size needed for the include structures. == LI_PROG_SIZE: The size of the program structure. == LI_PROG_SIZE_TOTAL: The total size of the program. HISTORY Introduced in LDMud 3.6.5. SEE ALSO configure_lwobject(E), object_info(E), interactive_info(E), driver_info(E)