SYNOPSIS #include string hmac(int method, string key, string arg ) string hmac(int method, string key, bytes arg ) string hmac(int method, string key, int * arg ) string hmac(int method, bytes key, string arg ) string hmac(int method, bytes key, bytes arg ) string hmac(int method, bytes key, int * arg ) DESCRIPTION Calculate the Hashed Message Authenication Code for based on the digest and the password . Return the HMAC. Any strings given as or are converted to a UTF-8 byte sequence before being used. is one of the TLS_HASH_ constants defined in tls.h; not all recognized methods may be supported for a given driven: TLS_HASH_SHA1 (1) TLS_HASH_SHA224 (2) TLS_HASH_SHA256 (3) TLS_HASH_SHA384 (4) TLS_HASH_SHA512 (5) TLS_HASH_MD5 (6) TLS_HASH_RIPEMD160 (7) If the driver is compiled without OpenSSL or GCrypt support an error is thrown. EXAMPLES string s; s = hmac(TLS_HASH_SHA1, "secret", "Hello"); s = hmac(TLS_HASH_SHA1, "secret", ({ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' }) ) HISTORY Introduced in LDMud 3.3.714. SEE ALSO crypt(E), md5(E), md5_crypt(E), sha1(E), hmac(E)