SYNOPSIS int exec(object new, object old) DESCRIPTION exec() switches the connection from the interactive object old to the object new. If the new object is also interactive, it's connection will be transferred to the old object, thus exchaning the two connections between the object. If the new object is not interactive, the old will not be interactive anymore after the exec call succeeded. The result is 1 on success, and 0 on failure. exec() is used to load different "user objects" or to reconnect link dead users. To provide security mechanisms, the interpreter calls master->valid_exec(current_program, new, old), which must return anything other than 0 to allow this exec() invocation. After the exec(), if arg 2 was this_player(), this_player() becomes arg 1, else vice versa. Ditto for this_interactive(). Take care when writing a simul-efun around exec(): the 'current_program' passed to the valid_exec() function will be that of the simul-efun object. To get around this, use bind_lambda() to bind #'exec to the real object and funcall() the resulting closure. EXAMPLES ob = clone_object("std/player"); exec(ob, this_object()); destruct(this_object()); HISTORY LDMud 3.2.9 added the switchover of this_interactive(). SEE ALSO connect(M), disconnect(M), logon(A), interactive(E)