CONCEPT driver hooks DESCRIPTION To allow a greater flexibility of the muds, the gamedrivers since 3.2.1 moved several once hardcoded 'underground' activities from the driver into the mudlib. This includes for example the differences between compat and native mode. The hooks are set with the privileged efun set_driver_hook(). Some of the hooks are mandatory, some not. Most hooks accept unbound lambda closures as values, some also lfun closures or even strings. The hooks are identified by an ordinal number, for which symbolic names are defined in /sys/driverhooks.h. H_MOVE_OBJECT0 H_MOVE_OBJECT1 Mandatory hooks to implement the efun void move_object(). H_LOAD_UIDS H_CLONE_UIDS H_LWOBJECT_UIDS Mandatory hooks to determine the uid and euid of loaded, cloned or lightweight objects. H_CREATE_SUPER H_CREATE_OB H_CREATE_CLONE H_CREATE_LWOBJECT Optional hooks to initialize an object after creation. H_CREATE_SUPER is called for blueprints implicitly loaded by inheritance, H_CREATE_OB for explicitely loaded blueprints/objects, H_CREATE_CLONE for cloned objects, and H_CREATE_LWOBJECT for lightweight objects. H_RESET Optional hook to reset an object. H_CLEAN_UP Optional hook to clean up an object. H_DEFAULT_METHOD Optional hook to provide default implementation for unresolved calls. H_DEFAULT_PROMPT Optional hook for the command prompt. If this hook is not used, the driver will use "> " as the command prompt. H_PRINT_PROMPT Optional hook to print the current command prompt. If this hook is not set, the driver will just print the prompt to the user. H_COMMAND Optional hook to parse and execute commands. If this hook is used, it bypasses the normal command parsing done by the driver (including the MODIFY_COMMAND and NOTIFY_FAIL hooks). H_MODIFY_COMMAND Optional hook to modify commands (both entered or given by a call to command()) before the parser sees them. H_MODIFY_COMMAND_FNAME Mandatory hook specifying the name of the 'modify_command' lfun to call for newly entered commands as result of a set_modify_command(). H_NOTIFY_FAIL Mandatory hook to issue the default message if an entered command couldn't be parsed and no notify_fail() command is in effect. H_SEND_NOTIFY_FAIL Optional hook to send the notify fail message, regardless of how it was determined, to the player. If the hook is not set, the message is delivered using tell_object() internally. H_NO_IPC_SLOT Optional hook specifying the message given to logins rejected due to space limitations (MAX_PLAYER). H_INCLUDE_DIRS Semi-mandatory hook specifying the directories where <>-type include files are searched (this includes ""-includes not found as specified). H_AUTO_INCLUDE Optional hook specifying a string to be included before the source of every compiled LPC object. H_AUTO_INCLUDE_EXPRESSION H_AUTO_INCLUDE_BLOCK Optional hook specifying a string to be prepended before the string of a compile_string() call. H_FILE_ENCODING Optonal hook specifying the name of the encoding to be used for decoding a file (default: "ascii"). H_TELNET_NEG Optional hook to specifiy how to perform a single telnet negotiation. If not set, most telnet options are rejected (read: only a very minimal negotiation takes place). H_NOECHO Optional hook to specifiy how to perform the telnet actions to switch the echo mode (used for e.g. password input_to()s). If not set, a default handling is performed. IMPORTANT: If this hook is used, the control of all telnet negotiation is transferred to the mudlib (you must combine it with H_TELNET_NEG to conform to the telnet protocol). H_ERQ_STOP Optional hook to notify the mudlib about the termination of the erq demon. H_MSG_DISCARDED Optional hook to specify a message or take other measures when a message had to be discarded. HISTORY The hooks concept was introduced in 3.2.1 H_MOVE_OBJECT0/1 were introduced in 3.2.1@1 H_CLEAN_UP was introduced in 3.2.1@34 H_MODIFY_COMMAND was introduced in 3.2.1@51. H_MODIFY_COMMAND_FNAME was 'hooked' in 3.2.1@109. H_NOTIFY_FAILE and H_NO_IPC_SLOT were introduced in 3.2.1@55. H_INCLUDE_DIRS was introduced in 3.2.1@57. H_TELNET_NEG was introduced in 3.2.1@60. H_NOECHO and H_ERQ_STOP were introduced in 3.2.1@85. H_COMMAND was introduced in 3.2.7. H_SEND_NOTIFY_FAIL and H_AUTO_INCLUDE were introduced in 3.2.9. H_DEFAULT_METHOD was introduced in 3.3.113. H_DEFAULT_PROMPT and H_PRINT_PROMPT were introduced in 3.3.163. H_CREATE_LWOBJECT and H_LWOBJECT_UIDS were introduced in 3.6.5. SEE ALSO native(C), set_driver_hook(E), all in (H)