CONCEPT lwobjects INTRODUCTION Lightweight objects are a cross between regular objects and structs. Like regular objects they are build from programs (.c files) and encapsulate data and functions. Like structs they are automatically destructed, they can be copied and saved. As with regular objects its variables are hidden from outside objects, its functions can be called with call_other() and related efuns. Lightweight objects are passed by reference. DEFINITION Lightweight objects are created from a program, i.e. an LPC file. This file needs to have the pragma #pragma lightweight to allow being used as a lightweight object. This pragma implies the no_clone pragma (which can be overridden with the clone pragma). There are no restriction on the program itself. It can inherit other programs. Those programs don't need to have that pragma, but the compiler might warn about unsuitable programs. USAGE A lightweight objects is created by calling the efun new_lwobject(): lwobject lwo = new_lwobject("/obj/foo"); The efun new_lwobject() will load the file to create a blueprint from it (which is a regular object) and then creates a lightweight object therefrom. The efun can be given optional arguments that are passed to the H_CREATE_LWOBJECT driver hook. Functions of the lightweight object can be called with the efuns call_other() and its companions and operators: lwo->fun();; MISCELLANEOUS Only declarative casts to lwobject are possible, there is no conversion of any other type to lwobjects available (therefore there is no to_lwobject() efun). Support for lightweight objects is signaled by the macro __LPC_LWOBJECTS__. Lightweight objects have a UID and EUID and therefore can also do file operations or create new objects themselves. Lightweight objects can be serialized with save_value(), so any outside program can inspect its variables. To really hide variable contents they must be nosave. Prior to restoring or copying a lightweight object all variables of the new lightweight object will be initialized regularly first when pragma init_variables is in effect. HISTORY Lightweight objects were introduced in LDMud 3.6.5. SEE ALSO structs(LPC), new_lwobject(E), call_other(E), configure_lwobject(E), lwobject_info(E)