NAME ed0 DESCRIPTION When in 'ed', the prompt is ':'. Ed has two modes, command mode and insert mode. The insert mode has no prompt. You exit the insert mode by typing a single '.' on a line. All commands have the following syntax: X,Ycmd or Xcmd For example: 1,10p Will print line 1 to 10. 1,5d Will delete line 1 to 5. 8p Will print line 8. A '.' is the "current line". The current line is the last line referenced. If you want to print last line + 10 more: .,.+10p NOTE These manpages seem a bit antique, though still correct. For a better detailed help, invoke ed and use the ``h'' command. Also you could look into the man page for ed(1) on you nearest Unix box. And for a bit of fun you can try the good old quiz(6), invoke as ``quiz function ed-command''. SEE ALSO ed1(LPC), ed(E)